Burning Bright Without Burning Out: The Anti-Burnout Workbook for Busy Professionals

Burning Bright Without Burning Out: The Anti-Burnout Workbook for Busy Professionals

28 June 2023

"Burning Bright Without Burning Out: The Anti-Burnout Workbook for Busy Professionals" is a must-read for anyone who has ever felt drained by their professional life. This indispensable guide is aimed at those who find themselves consistently fatigued, experiencing a negative or cynical outlook towards work, or struggling to efficiently complete work tasks. If these scenarios sound familiar, you may be on the precipice of burnout - a condition this book will help you understand and, more importantly, avoid.

Drawing on the most recent scientific research and evidence-based strategies, "Burning Bright Without Burning Out" provides practical solutions and insights designed to conquer burnout. This easily digestible yet insightful book is geared towards equipping readers with the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully combat burnout.

The book dives into the precise nature of burnout, exploring its effects not just on individuals, but also on teams and organisations. It carefully unravels the causes behind this pervasive issue and guides you on how to fortify yourself against its onslaught. Furthermore, it aids in understanding and supporting people struggling with burnout, a critical skill in any work environment.

"Burning Bright Without Burning Out" also dives into the relationship between remote work - an increasingly common work arrangement - and burnout, providing practical suggestions to balance work and life in this modern setup. Moreover, it provides advice on how to foster a workplace culture that actively discourages burnout.

"Burning Bright Without Burning Out" applies scientific literature to real-world situations, making it an accessible guide to staving off burnout. It is an essential read for anyone wanting to thrive in their professional life, rather than merely surviving. By the end of the book, you will have the knowledge and strategies to keep your professional flame burning bright without burning out.

The Saboteur at Work: How the Unconscious Mind Can Sabotage Ourselves, Our Organisations and Society

The Saboteur at Work: How the Unconscious Mind Can Sabotage Ourselves, Our Organisations and Society

28 January 2023

"The Saboteur at Work: How the Unconscious Mind Can Sabotage Ourselves, Our Organisations and Society" is a revealing exploration of the unconscious processes that can potentially wreak havoc on individual lives, the inner workings of teams and organisations, and even the larger world of politics.

Drawing from rigorous research in psychology and organisational studies, this book presents a profound yet accessible analysis of how our unconscious mind influences our progress and performance. It unveils practical techniques that you can employ to understand and overcome the saboteur lurking within us all, both on a personal level and in professional environments.

The book delves into the modern understanding of our adaptive unconscious, shedding light on aspects such as repression, imposter syndrome, and various other defense mechanisms. The theories are fleshed out with real-world examples and narratives spanning personal, organisational, and national contexts.

"The Saboteur at Work" vividly illustrates the mind's capacity for self-deception, with stories like that of Tony Blair and the invasion of Iraq. The book also examines the role of unconscious processes in organisational disasters, such as the collapse of Barings Bank and the Boeing 737 Max scandal.

Beyond the personal and organisational level, the saboteur also operates on a societal scale. The book asks hard-hitting questions about humanity's past actions, as seen in Nazi Germany and the involvement of major US corporations like IBM, Ford, and Chrysler in the Holocaust.

This insightful book is a crucial resource for team leaders, managers, and anyone who wishes to understand the unconscious saboteur's role within their own career and life. By delving deep into how the unconscious impacts individual, group, and societal processes, it helps develop leadership skills and fosters a greater understanding of team dynamics and performance. It is also an invaluable tool for coaches and organisational consultants.

"The Saboteur at Work" lays bare the hidden machinations of our minds, providing readers with the tools to unmask and combat the unconscious forces that could be sabotaging their personal and professional success.

Available as a Paperback
Available as an eBook
Anti-Burnout: How to Create a Psychologically Safe and High-Performance Organisation

Anti-Burnout: How to Create a Psychologically Safe and High-Performance Organisation

28 January 2023

"Anti-Burnout: How to Create a Psychologically Safe and High-Performance Organisation" is an invaluable guide for anyone in a leadership role or aspiring to create a nurturing and productive work culture. Addressing burnout from individual, group, and organisational perspectives, this book equips readers with the knowledge necessary to prevent this debilitating state of chronic exhaustion, cynicism, and hopelessness.

Authored by an expert who draws on personal experiences and integrates examples from literature, poetry, and art, the book brings an otherwise clinical subject to life. It builds upon the latest scientific understanding of burnout and evidence-based ideas to present practical strategies and insights. The result is an engaging, easy-to-read resource that is both practically and scientifically grounded.

This book ensures that, after reading it, you will be among the small percentage of people who truly understand burnout. More importantly, you will be equipped with strategies to prevent burnout in yourself and others. While "Anti-Burnout" is academically rigorous, it stands out for its friendly, engaging, and conversational tone. Anecdotes, examples from the arts, and illustrative stories are woven throughout the book to elucidate practical advice and create a richer, more immersive reading experience.

"Anti-Burnout" ultimately aims to help leaders build a psychologically healthy and high-performance culture in their organisations. By shedding light on the complex dynamics of burnout, this book provides readers with the tools necessary to foster a work environment that not only prevents burnout but also cultivates productivity and positive engagement. Whether you're a leader, manager, or anyone passionate about improving workplace culture, "Anti-Burnout" is a must-read.

Available as a Paperback
Available as an eBook